Dear Savvy: How do I talk to my child about sexting without being awkward?

Dear Savvy: How do I talk to my child about sexting without being awkward?

We keep scratching our heads trying to figure out why young kids are sexting. But the fact is the formula is pretty basic: (curious kids + digital devices) x (sexualized media) = sexting normalized. So, the question is not if I need to have this conversation but how do I talk to my child about sexting without being awkward.  This episode is part of our #DearSavvy series. Sometimes you just want a quick answer to a burning question. These shorter episodes are designed to give you just that. Tune in to the podcast to hear the whole scoop, and check…
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What to tell kids when a parent struggles with sexual addiction

What to tell kids when a parent struggles with sexual addiction

Porn harms families. No question there. So what do you do when a parent struggles with sexual addiction? Instinct may be to keep it hidden. Your spouse knows—but not the children. You reason the truth would be too painful. Better that they never find out. And yet, experience and research shows that children actually suffer more from the weight of hidden truths than they do from careful and honest disclosure. Tara McCausland, Director of Outreach for SA Lifeline joins me this week to discuss this very sensitive topic. SA Lifeline is a non-profit foundation that provides education, resources, and a…
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Good, Better, Best. How often should I monitor my child’s smartphone?

Good, Better, Best. How often should I monitor my child’s smartphone?

Involved parents worry about their child or teen’s safety online. And rightly so. The nature of the internet means harmful content could come across their screen at any time. Dangerous situations seem to be lurking around every corner. So, many parents wonder, how often should I monitor my child’s smartphone? Should I check it daily? And is that really the best way to keep them from harm?  In this episode, I confess that I don't check my child's phone the way many parents do. Saying that publicly on this podcast does make me feel a little vulnerable. I recognize I’m…
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Building Mom Confidence In a Media-Saturated World

Building Mom Confidence In a Media-Saturated World

Every mom is amazing! There’s no question there. Yet, we are often our own worst critic. When things don’t go according to plan, the negative self-talk comes flooding in. So, how can we start to believe in ourselves again? And how can building mom confidence change the dynamic we have with our kids and their tech? In this episode, I ask Leah Davidson, co-founder of H&L Life Coaching, what to do when we feel like we’re not thriving. We take a fresh look at what confidence means. And how that applies to raising kids in a media-saturated, pandemic stricken, year…
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The New Puberty Talks for a Media-Saturated World

The New Puberty Talks for a Media-Saturated World

It’s normal. It’s natural. Everyone goes through it! And every kid has LOTS of questions. Yet, for many families talking about puberty still feels awkward and embarrassing to mention—leaving kids to sort through confusing information on their own. Often, that’s whatever media and friends throw their way. That doesn’t seem fair or terribly healthy, does it? So, how can we move past any discomfort and learn to embrace the new puberty talks for a media-saturated world?   This week, I got to connect with Rowena Thomas, who is the facilitator of Amazing Me in Sydney, Australia. Rowena provides programs to schools…
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Dear Savvy: Can moms talk to boys about pornography?

Dear Savvy: Can moms talk to boys about pornography?

Are you a mom to boys? Do you worry about helping them mature into sexually responsible teens and adults? How often do you defer to dad for “The Talk?” Have you ever questioned, can moms talk to boys about pornography? If so, you’re not alone.  This episode is part of our #DearSavvy series. Sometimes you just want a quick answer to a burning question. These shorter episodes are designed to give you just that. Tune in to the podcast to hear the whole scoop, and check out the show notes for helpful tools and information. If you’d like to submit…
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Pornography’s Role in the Rise of Child-on-child Sexual Assault

Pornography’s Role in the Rise of Child-on-child Sexual Assault

Yes, it feels easier to say, I don’t want to go there, I don't want to talk about it. But we know sweeping tough issues under the carpet doesn’t make them disappear. In fact, it only increases the trauma. Children are hurting. Families are being torn apart. So, we’re going to be bold. We’re going to face this issue straight on. And we’re going to talk about pornography’s role in the rise of child-on-child sexual assault. I’m so grateful to Heidi Olson, MSN, RN, CPN, SANE-P,  for joining me on the show this week. She is an absolute superhero. There’s…
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Dear Savvy: How Often Should I Talk to My Child About Pornography?

Dear Savvy: How Often Should I Talk to My Child About Pornography?

You caught your child watching pornography. You talked about it and have a handle on the situation. But now you are wondering: Should I bring up the subject again? And, if so, how often should I talk to my child about pornography? Will my relationship with my child stay healthy if I go back to the topic too often?  This episode is part of our #DearSavvy series. Sometimes you just want a quick answer to a burning question. These shorter episodes are designed to give you just that. Tune in to the podcast to hear the whole scoop, and check…
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Harnessing the power of youth to end exploitation

Harnessing the power of youth to end exploitation

When I say the words human trafficking what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Kidnapped? Overseas? Impoverished? Or maybe you think of street kids and runaways? Rarely, do we imagine this could be impacting our kids. But it does. Victim or not. Trafficked or not.  This is part of the culture they are growing up in. But what if we could harness the creative energy of these youth to end exploitation? test In this episode I am joined by Cheryl Perera, founder of OneChild. This organization has already benefited over 79,000 individuals in 11 different countries. But more than…
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Empowering teens to make value-based decisions online

Empowering teens to make value-based decisions online

Raising kids in a media-saturated world can feel a lot like shoveling in a snowstorm. So much tech, so fast. It feels impossible to keep pace. Try as we might, we can’t control everything that comes at our kids. Sometimes we can’t even ensure they’ll have a clear path to navigate. But we can teach them to think differently—to make value-based decisions. Ultimately, to chart their own course towards safer screen habits. This week I talk with Lisa and Jason Frost, founders of Wired Human and authors of The Glass Between Us: Empowering Youth to Combat Digital Exploitation—A Value-Based Approach…
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