Do you have a child who is obsessed with anime? Are you freaking out? Or maybe you just want to know what all the hype is about. What is anime? Is it safe for kids? If not, how can I protect them? Is there any way to safely enjoy anime?
Anime. Suddenly it’s everywhere. All the kids are talking about it. All the parents are scratching their heads about it. And many families have sent us horror stories because they didn’t know what they were getting into, and their kids have been traumatized in its wake.

So what is anime anyway? Maybe you have some pieces of the puzzle. You know Pokemon Go is a thing. You’ve seen anime titles pop up on YouTube or Netflix. (Who could miss that pronounced Japanese animated style?) The kids are chatting non-stop about their favorite series and anime characters in the carpool on the way to school. So what’s the deal? Is anime evil? Is it safe? Should we be worried about this craze permeating the upcoming generation? Tune in to the podcast and we’ll figure it out together!

What is anime?
Anime is short for “animation.” Specifically, it’s Japanese animation. Fans will tell you it’s not a genre; it’s a “medium.” When you think of animation, you might think of cartoons for kids. But anime includes dozens of categories for all ages, from young children to teens to adults. These categories include fantasy, adventure, romance, sci-fi, comedy, horror, mystery, and many more. Click here to see a list of anime genres with explanations.
In addition to the animated series and movies that many of us might be aware of (think Pokemon), anime also includes specialized comics called “manga.” It’s a distinct art style. Kids love to draw anime! And fan art is a huge sensation on the internet. Another aspect of anime is “cosplay,” where kids (and adults) dress up as their favorite characters and role-play together. In fact, there is an entire subculture surrounding anime, with its own language and terms. Fans, or “Otaku” love to gather in person or online and create a whole alternate reality.
Related: Five Things Parents Need to Know About Anime
The range and scope of the anime universe is overwhelming, to say the least. Let’s compare it to Marvel Comics for a sec. Think about all the cartoons, movies, comic books, merchandise, fans, internet presence, costumes, conventions, video games, etc., that surrounds this one universe of superheroes. Now multiply that by thousands and expand it into every genre you can think of. You’re getting close. That’s almost anime.

Is anime safe for kids?
But is anime safe for kids? Hmmmm … this is actually a trick question. It’s kind of like asking, “Are video games safe for kids?” or “Are movies safe for kids?” The answer is: yes and no. Just like many other forms of media including TV, movies, and video games, some forms of anime are safe for kids and some are not.
The thing with anime is that a lot of it looks the same, but it’s not! Actually, anime includes a huge spectrum, from G-rated shows like Digimon and Pokemon to X-rated hard-core porn called Hentai—and everything in between. As parents, it’s important to know what kids can be exposed to in these different categories. Take this example from an anime fan who is now an adult:
“I went through my anime list I created way back in middle school and realized that so many of the anime that my dad rented for me from Netflix when I was younger was mainly harem and ecchi animes. He never read the summaries of the animes and he rented anime that was recommended to him with Netflix’s ratings (guess which animes had lots of 4.5 stars). Definitely have parents read the summaries and to be aware that some genres like harem and ecchi mainly exploit women to sexualize them.” (
Most importantly, parents need to understand that there is no possible way for an internet filter to block anime—even Hentai, which is hardcore porn. That means if we want to protect our kids from dangerous forms of anime, the burden of responsibility falls to us. And if we’re going to do that, we need a plan!
Related: Ep. #1-19, Anime: Gateway to Porn? with Lacy Bentley

3 Ways To Help Kids Safely Enjoy Anime
So, we’ve established that we can’t put a protective bubble around our kids and block out ALL anime. It’s just not feasible. (And also not necessary.) Many kids in this generation love anime in its most innocent forms: Pokemon cards, anime drawing classes at the public library, chatting with friends about their favorite series. Bottom line is, anime can be fun and safe as long as it’s used in moderation and the content is age-appropriate.
Here are some great ways to make sure your kids are staying safe when it comes to anime:
1) Educate yourself and your kids. Make sure you’re not blindly accepting or rejecting ALL anime as a huge lump. Study out the issue. Do some research about the different genres in the anime universe. (WARNING: Be careful about internet searches. Putting in the wrong search term can lead you to inappropriate content!) Study the potential dangers that might be lurking in this medium and teach your kids what to do if they encounter inappropriate content.
2) Set boundaries together. Anime is here to stay. So, don’t make it the enemy! Instead, get curious, get talking, and come along for the ride. Make it a “we/us” experience. Spend time watching, drawing, and playing together—even if you feel like your head might explode! These experiences will fortify your relationship, make your kids feel important, and encourage them to make smart decisions because they will feel like you are on their side. Then decide together what is appropriate, how much time is ok to spend, etc., and help them stick to those boundaries. Here are some great places we’ve found for ratings and lists of kid-appropriate anime:
- Anime TV for Tweens and Teens – Common Sense Media
- Best Anime Movies – Common Sense Media
- Anime Feminist website
- Beneath the Tangles
3) Have open, honest conversations. Just like with any form of media (TV, movies, video games, internet), we can instill our values and teach our kids what to do when they encounter media that doesn’t match those values. The ultimate goal is to help them self-regulate and make wise decisions. With anime, there are definitely some questionable themes that can come into play. And it is extremely easy to slip from innocent material into more adult themes without realizing it. While you are watching anime together, challenge your kids about what you see. Ask them questions, like:
- What is healthy and what isn’t?
- What is real and what isn’t?
- What is appropriate and what isn’t?
For more specific ideas, download your FREE Anime Conversation Guide for Parents below.
Episode challenge
Do you have a child who loves anime? If you want a way to start a discussion about it, but feel clueless about how to start, we have a great tool to help. Fill out the form below to download your FREE Anime Conversation Guide for Parents.
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Five Things Parents Need to Know About Anime
Ep. #1-19, Anime: Gateway to Porn? with Lacy Bentley