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Empowering teens to make value-based decisions online

Empowering teens to make value-based decisions online

Raising kids in a media-saturated world can feel a lot like shoveling in a snowstorm. So much tech, so fast. It feels impossible to keep pace. Try as we might, we can’t control everything that comes at our kids. Sometimes we can’t even ensure they’ll have a clear path to navigate. But we can teach them to think differently—to make value-based decisions. Ultimately, to chart their own course towards safer screen habits.

This week I talk with Lisa and Jason Frost, founders of Wired Human and authors of The Glass Between Us: Empowering Youth to Combat Digital Exploitation—A Value-Based Approach to Screen-Driven Tech. These two are amazing, passionate, and full of great ideas. They are parents of two young children who have worked extensively with youth for more than a decade. They’ve seen first-hand what teens today are up against. 

Their goal, with this book and their whole organization, is to raise a community of digital mentors. They see this as an issue that everyone needs to get behind—parents, teachers, and professionals. (Uhhh, can I get a hallelujah over here!?) Together, we can help teens thrive in this media-saturated world. 

teens using technology making value-based decisions

Making value-based decisions

Lisa and Jason ask a simple, but oh-so-important question: What if teenagers learned how to be guided in their digital decision-making, not by the values that big tech is driving, but rather their own, core values? Would that lead them closer to their dreams and aspirations—with tech by their side? Let’s find out. 

In this episode:

  • Tech and media consumption weighs heavy on teens. Tech can produce significant roadblocks to living a flourishing and purposeful life—impacting personal identity, mental health, and wellbeing. 
  • Big tech has its own value system. What do gaming, social media, and pornography all have in common? To monetize the time and attention of its users. They supplement our basic human need to seek acceptance, love, and adventure—but in an artificial way.
  • No teen wants to be exploited. No teen wants to be told what to do (not even by big tech). Help teens see how higher-level thinking about tech can take them to the destination they want to arrive at in life.
  • Tap into core values with the RUMB model. Historically a 16th-century navigation system for sailors, today parents can use Lisa and Jason’s RUMB model (Relationship, Understanding, Mentoring, and Boundaries) to help teens safely navigate the new media-saturated world. 

Episode challenge

Jason’s challenge: Help your child or teen to tap into their own core values by talking about their favorite superhero or inspirational film character. Next, ask them to identify four or five values they feel this character displays. Then get them to name the values they would attach to their own identity. Finally, discuss how that applies to daily interactions with peers both on and off screens. (see resource at

Lisa’s challenge: Create a value-driven screen contract with your teen (see resource at This contract is all about supporting core values and using tech for good! Ask them to evaluate whether their current use of tech is mostly consumption or creation—and why. Do they feel they’re using tech to best support their personal values? Challenge them to commit to using tech for specific things and resolve not to let it become a distraction from achieving higher goals. 

Thanks for listening! If you enjoyed the show, please leave a positive review or tell a friend!

Download our FREE guide

Looking for a better way to protect kids from dangerous content online? Help build media resilience with our Quick Guide to Safer Screen Habits. Download your FREE pdf in this week’s show notes.

More about today’s guest

Working on the frontlines with youth for nearly a decade, Lisa and Jason Frost have combined their expertise in education and Children’s Rights in the digital age. Together, they run the non-profit organization, Wired Human, and equip parents, teachers, and professionals with the tools to instill value-driven media choices in this rising generation.


Book: The Glass Between Us: Empowering Youth to Combat Digital Exploitation—A Value-Based Approach to Screen-Driven Tech

Ep. #2-1, Screen Time & Healthy Boundaries with Andrea Davis

Ep. #2-15, Establishing a Strong Foundation Even Before the Porn Talk with Brett Ullman

Ep. #2-19, 4 Essential Steps to Protect Kids from Pornography

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Media Savvy Moms Podcast
By Media Savvy Moms Podcast

Who knew honest conversations about parenting and pornography could be so approachable? Join Marilyn for a series of contemplations, chats, and interviews as she helps fellow parents tackle this challenging topic with their kids.

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