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Dear Savvy: What if my child is gaming all night?

Dear Savvy: What if my child is gaming all night?

2020 has brought numerous changes to our households. During the lockdown, our normal typically structured daily routine loosened, and many of us (parents and kids alike) became more involved with gaming. Even though our daily schedule may now be similar to pre-covid conditions, many kids are staying up later and even gaming all night. You may be wondering what to do, especially as the holidays approach. 

This episode is part of our #DearSavvy series. Sometimes you just want a quick answer to a burning question. These shorter episodes are designed to give you just that. Tune in to the podcast to hear the whole scoop, and check out the show notes for helpful tools and information. If you’d like to submit a question, click here to Contact Us

Dear Savvy: What do I do if my kids are gaming all night?

Dear Listener,

When our kids are gaming all night, that’s a red flag. It’s not just a matter of sleep deprivation. Since many gaming devices are internet-enabled, we’re also opening our children up to a world of threats.

Here’s what we discussed today:

As parents, we don’t want to make ourselves the enemy of technology. So, Marilyn suggests following the ABCs of digital parenting:

  • A = Agreement. Take time to sit with your kids to determine what concerns you have in common. You may be surprised to learn how many goals you do share. For example, you may both be concerned about health. If so, discuss which areas of your child’s health could be affected by gaming all night. Their sleep? Their growth and development? 
  • B = Boundaries. Work together to set boundaries. Kids are more likely to adhere to established boundaries when they’re consulted and allowed to contribute to the decision-making process.
  • C = Consequences. There are two types of consequences: natural and imposed. Talk about the natural consequences of gaming all night, like not being able to function the next day. Work together to establish imposed consequences, either positive or negative.

Melody is a little bit of a gamer herself, but admits today’s gaming is quite different than it was 25 years ago when she and her friends pulled the occasional Donkey Kong Country all-nighter. Nowadays, our kids have access to a lot more than games on these platforms. With internet-enabled devices, and access to gamers from anywhere, online predators are a threat that cannot be taken lightly. Additionally, there are a myriad of ways that video games provide access to internet pornography. It’s important to learn our gaming devices’ capabilities and figure out exactly what our kids might be doing at 2 a.m. 

But we don’t want to focus only on the problem; we don’t want to be alarmists. We want to focus on the solution. So, follow the ABCs and download today’s resource. Also, be sure to listen next week as we dive further into this hot topic with gaming addiction expert, Nadja Streiter, psychotherapist and Programs Director at

“Children are especially vulnerable to addiction, because they lack the self-control that prevents many adults from developing addictive habits.” —Adam Alter, Irresistible: The rise of addictive technology and the business of keeping us hooked

For more information…

Today’s hands-on resource is a video game addiction support group found at They have a short quiz available for gamers and their loved ones. If your kids are gaming, click on “I’m a loved one” to access the quiz. Then listen next week! We will be interviewing Nadja Streiter, Programs Director at Game Quitters.

Episode challenge

Download our free Quick Guide to Safer Screen Habits and get together with your family to create those boundaries and Safer Screen Habits. When you allow each person to contribute toward these goals, you’re more likely to get buy-in from everyone.

Do you have a question? You can click here to Contact Us, email us at, or submit your question through any of our social media platforms. We’d love to hear from you!


Is ‘Gaming Disorder’ An Illness? World Health Organization Says Yes, Adding It To Its List Of Diseases – NPR

Ep. #2-18, Kids, Screens & Mom Guilt with Vauna Davis, Life Coach

Ep. #2-4, Be in the NOW: Mindfulness in Parenting

Media Savvy Moms Podcast
By Media Savvy Moms Podcast

Who knew honest conversations about parenting and pornography could be so approachable? Join Marilyn for a series of contemplations, chats, and interviews as she helps fellow parents tackle this challenging topic with their kids.

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