Three Proven Concepts to Get You Off the Fence and Talking to Your Kids About Porn

Three Proven Concepts to Get You Off the Fence and Talking to Your Kids About Porn

Related: Three Proven Concepts to Get You Off the Fence and Talking to Your Kids About Porn This post is an adaptation of one I originally wrote for Strength to Fight. A recent experience made me realize it's worth repeating. Even when we know a conversation needs to be had we often feel stuck in our tracks. I will share three proven concepts that helped me get off the fence and start talking to my own kids about the dangers of porn.  Shaking my hand he said, “That was so great. Thanks for talking about this. I just know it’s so important.” This…
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Sexual Health: 4 Strategies For EASY Parent/Child Talks

Sexual Health: 4 Strategies For EASY Parent/Child Talks

A few years ago I asked my children to rate (on a scale of 1 to 10) my openness in talking to them about sexual health and intimacy. One of my boys generously gave me a three! This didn’t come as any great shock. I knew I had work to do. Somehow I needed to find a way to make “the talk” occur naturally and regularly in our home. I realized that if I wanted to protect my children from negative influences in the media (pornography included) I had to become the go-to-expert on sex—at least in the eyes of…
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Fair Warning and A Fighting Chance [Family Resource]

Fair Warning and A Fighting Chance [Family Resource]

Recently, my kids and I revisited Good Pictures Bad Pictures —a book by Kristen Jenson. It's really the first tool I used to teach my kids about the harmful effects of pornography. Now, I am even more in love with the book. And I am going to tell you why I think every parent needs to have a copy of this amazing resource in their home. All kids deserve fair warning and a fighting chance I am going to let you in on a secret. I have really good kids. I’m not trying to brag, but they are the kind…
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Proactive Parenting: Teaching Young Children Resilience Against Pornography

Proactive Parenting: Teaching Young Children Resilience Against Pornography

Can preschool-age children be taught to reject pornography? Absolutely! This was confirmed to me when I met with Jane. We were introduced through a mutual friend who knew of our shared passion for talking openly about the harms of pornography. Jane is a delightful young mom with a two-year-old son and a four-year-old daughter. I listened carefully while she shared with me how she is teaching her own kids to reject pornography. The interview below is a paraphrased version of our conversation. I hope you come to appreciate Jane’s wisdom as much as I do. Interview: First things first PA:…
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The Power of One in the Movement for Love: Finding my Inner Hero

The Power of One in the Movement for Love: Finding my Inner Hero

I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. --Edward Everett Hale What makes a father of two young children want to run 30 marathons with handcuffs on? LOVE. Garrett Jonsson says simply: “I love my wife, I love my kids, I love my community and I love you. I believe that LOVE is worth fighting for. I believe that if I’m not actively fighting against pornography, then I’m aiding its growth.” Breaking the silence Garrett was sick of letting…
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Celebrate International Women’s Day: #Be Bold For Change

Celebrate International Women’s Day: #Be Bold For Change

As International Women’s Day is celebrated in our communities and throughout social media today, organizers are asking that we consider what we can do to move society towards greater gender parity. A recent report from the World Economic Forum predicts, “the gender gap will not close entirely until 2186”. We think that is too long. Showing your support for International Women’s Day is one way to raise awareness and become a vehicle for change. #EqualityMatters #BeBoldForChange At Parents Aware we can’t think of a better way to champion the cause of women worldwide than to be like our young friend Samuel…
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Mainstream Businesses Profiting from Sexual Exploitation —and what you can to stop them!

Mainstream Businesses Profiting from Sexual Exploitation —and what you can to stop them!

Have you ever wondered if any of the well-established brands or businesses you support, profit from or facilitate sexual exploitation? The National Center On Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) can inform you. Each year they make it a top priority to find out which corporations are the worst offenders. When these entities refuse to adjust their business practices, they find themselves on the Dirty Dozen List. According to NCOSE, the purpose of the Dirty Dozen List is to "name and shame the bad corporate actors in America that perpetuate sexual exploitation —whether that be through pornography, prostitution or sex trafficking."   The…
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The Power of a Single Compliment [Reader Story]

The Power of a Single Compliment [Reader Story]

We teach our kids to be polite using phrases like please, thank you and I’m sorry.  But beyond the surface, these expressions really denote respect and attentiveness to those we are speaking with. They are powerful communication tools.  When used appropriately, these 3 simple expressions can break down barriers, make up for misplaced words and even defuse hostile situations. Recently I learned the power of a single compliment against shame—one of the biggest obstacles kids face in overcoming a compulsion to use porn.  What do good manners have to do with helping children reject pornography? We know that the porn…
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5 Compelling Reasons I Blog About Pornography Awareness

5 Compelling Reasons I Blog About Pornography Awareness

A few experiences of late have caused me to want to put down in words the reason why I do what I do. Why did I create Parents Aware?  Read to the end to discover my top five reasons for blogging about pornography awareness. At the doctor’s office I am meeting a new doctor today. Which means filling out standard medical forms again. I come to the question that has the least to do with my health but has probably caused me the most grief for the past 22 years. What is your occupation? This is not a blog about…
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When Parents Struggle to Talk About Porn

When Parents Struggle to Talk About Porn

Talking about pornography with your kids may not be the easiest thing you’ll ever do. But figuring out how to take on this challenge may be one of the best things you do as a parent. Take heart you are not alone. Before sitting down to write this post I scrolled through a page of fun parenting memes to get me in the right frame of mind. It’s an exercise I recommend for anyone who needs a quick laugh and a gentle reminder that we’re not alone in any number of parenting frustrations. The same is true when it comes…
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